Why Join the Corvallis Chamber of Commerce

1. Visibility.

You’ve heard it said time and time again: out of sight means out of mind. This is not a smart strategy for any business regardless of the economy. A market can change quickly and you need to maintain your presence in the community. While good is the enemy of great, complacency and short-term thinking is the enemy of sustained marketing breakthroughs. How: networking events, sponsorship, and advertising.

2. Access.

No one enjoys making cold calls all day long. When you join the Chamber and get involved, you’ll discover that meeting others who can refer you to the key contacts you’re trying to reach is a huge benefit of membership. You’ll soon find yourself in situations where you can identify and meet decision-makers face-to-face. How: networking events, Forums, and standing committee involvement.

3. Ongoing training and education.

Unless you have the luxury of a training budget and can afford to bring in local, regional or nationally known experts on different topics, there’s no other organization in America that delivers timely programs at such an affordable price as your local Chamber of Commerce. How: Lunch & Learns, Forums, and special seminars.

4. Networking.

From seminars, and luncheons to business expos and various business and community committees, there’s absolutely no excuse for not being able to meet new contacts, referrals and people who can help you with ideas and additional ways to grow your business. In addition, doing business with fellow Chamber members who offer wonderful products, services, and ideas is also a big plus. How: Greeters, Business After Hours, and Forums.

5. Low-cost advertising opportunities.

As far as visibility at the local level, a chamber offers a wide range of free or affordable advertising options and sponsorship packages for just about every business or nonprofit, regardless of how big or small their budget may be. This is a wonderful way to hold your marketing dollars accountable and see them working hard right before your eyes. How: web ads, sponsorships, map and directory ads, newsletter and advertising.

6. Advocacy.

The Chamber researches, lobbies and has discussions with local and regional government units, politicians and the media to keep people up-to-date on central issues of importance pertaining to their membership and the community. What happens to your local employees and customers does have an impact on your business, even if you’re a national chain. How: the Government Affairs Committee and staff do it for you!

7. Money-saving discounts and free resources.

If you fully leverage the cost-saving discounts, and free resources available to members, it’s not uncommon for a small business to easily find enough savings with endorsed providers or member-to-member discounts to recoup most, if not all, of its membership dues. How: business-to-business discounts, Chamber resources free to members, and more! 

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